GitHub Pages, Docker, and Jekyll

It’s been a while since I wrote about setting up my blog for local testing using Docker and Docker Toolbox, and the rest of the ecosystem has moved on. So it’s time for an update…


For those of you that followed along at the beginning, I wrote about how to set up your blog to run locally, how to run from GitHub Pages, and I even provided BuildAndRun and StopAndRemove scripts, but as I’m getting back into writing in 2019, and I wanted to update some parts of my site, those … stopped working!

Keeping in mind I’ve changed laptops 3 times in the past few years, and have just been “pushing small changes to master” (aka. lazy trunk-based development) for about as long (I know, I know), so today I spent far too much time trying to work around the bugs I was experiencing in getting Jekyll running locally before I decided to step back and “read the docs”.

I figured I’d type this up so that you - and future me - don’t have the same troubles I did today. In this post, I’ll step through the errors I experienced, and how I solved them., Let’s get straight into it:

Issues I experienced

Docker Hub credentials were invalid

My Docker script (note, not Docker Compose) refused to find images, and even though my Docker icon in the notification area showed me as “logged in”, it wouldn’t locate any images because “my credentials for Docker Hub were invalid”. I went to and confirmed that my credentials that were saved had not been changed, and everything looked fine locally.

Thankfully the solution was quite simple: Right click on the Docker icon in the Windows notification area, and choose “Sign out”. Wait for it to finish logging you out and then sign in again.

Even though it looks fine, sign out to refresh the credentials

Simple, right? Unfortunately, I lost about half an hour to this because everything “looked right”, but the credentials had expired in the background.

Docker Compose command changed

Previously, I was using raw Docker commands, like this, in a Dockerfile to get the site up and running. I even tried out a docker-compose.yml years ago and… that worked back then, but like I said in the intro, the community has moved on. It was time to get with the cool new kid in town: Docker Compose 2.0 (or 2.1, or 3.0), but a lot of the syntax has changed.

You can see the changes I needed to make in this diff that I pushed once I’d solved all the problems below.

Container “running”, but no content returning from

Great, so now we have our container up and running, and we can watch Jekyll recompile the pages on the command line as we’re making changes… but we go to and … nothing! Weird, the config looks fine, and this did work before. Changing it from using the ANY IP ( to localhost or the loopback IP ( did nothing different. Nothing was servicing those IP/Port combinations.

Now this is nothing new, there has been a limitation on Windows networking + Docker for a long time, but my scripts were aware of this, and we were using the right IP for the specific container up until we moved to Windows version 1809, and now “it should just work”, but it didn’t.

NOTE: If you’re using a Windows version LESS THAN 1809, you can follow the steps in this StackOverflow answer.

After a long time, I had realised that this laptop had recently been re-configured, and the Windows firewall was blocking this as “outbound traffic”. After recategorising my WiFi network to Private, everything “just worked” as expected.

Website rendered without CSS

Jekyll, when it starts, looks for the configured host:port/baseurl structure by lifting that out of _config.yml, and uses this combination when rendering URLS for the site - including CSS & Javascript files. My configuration was set to use as site.url, but no HOST was specified.

The solution for me was to use configuration overloading in the Docker Compose command: jekyll serve --config _config.yml,_config.docker.yml, which according to the docs mean that any values that match in later files will replace earlier files. Adding the _config.docker.yml and overriding the url value to http://localhost:4000 fixed this for me.

Since I’ve been looking into it though, this is NOT the suggested way to do this, and instead I should be setting the and site.port values for use when debugging locally. Looks like I still have an outstanding change to make here :)

Starefossen no longer up to date

For a long time, I advised people to use the latest image from Starefossen, but this is now a bit out of date. To get a better experience locally with Jekyll, it’s advised to use the official jekyll/jekyll:pages instead. I don’t think there’s anything wrong, per-se with the Starefossen image, it’s just that it’s not actively updated in the same way that the official Jekyll images are.

Container not accepting updates

This was a fun one. After I changed from Starefossen to Jekyll docker images, my files weren’t being watched. Everything was running, but the build wasn’t recompiling pages.

According to the documentation --watch should be enabled by default when using jekyll serve, but wasn’t for me… I needed to manually add --watch and --force_polling to the Docker Compose command, so it became even longer: jekyll serve --force_polling --watch --config _config.yml,_config.docker.yml. Quite a mouthful by now.


I have a bunch of new/updated scripts & config to run everything locally for me:

  • Docker.BuildAndRun.ps1 and Docker.StopAndRemove.ps1 - the diff is here.
  • docker-compose.yml was updated.
  • _config.yml was expanded & is overridden by _config.docker.yml that matches the JEKYLL_ENV environment variable.
  • …and the old dockerfile can now be removed.

As an added bonus, thanks to these upgrades, I can now just do docker-compose up and docker-compose down if I wish!

I hope this helps you as much as it will help future me :) Cheers.

I'm Pat Hermens, an Australian that's spent a decent amount of time living & working in the Netherlands.
I am a .NET developer (for the last 20 years or so), a technical manager, a public speaker, a happy husband and father, but most of all; I'm just a nerd.
I'm currently a Director of Software Engineering at Slalom Build in Sydney, Australia, and I was previously Development Manager at Coolblue in Rotterdam, NL.

One response

  1. Gravatar for Dave Abrahams

    This is awesome, thanks for doing it!  It seems like all I need to serve my own site for development on my Mac is your _config.docker.yml and docker-compose.yml files.  Is that about what you’d expect?

    Dave Abrahams – July 3rd, 2020

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